Fix Invalid Security Certificates

Fix Invalid Security Certificates

This article demonstrates how to fix download a new certificate to fix the “invalid security certificates” error message that you may experience when accessing MiraCosta websites on a Mac computer.


If you are getting the pop-up message below when you attempt to access MiraCosta websites, read the following instructions to resolve this issue.

  1. Click this link: InCommonRSA ServerCa.cer to download the certificate. Double click the downloaded certificate to begin the installation.

  2. The Add Certificates popup window will open. In the Keychain section, select System from the dropdown. Click Add to continue.

  1. The Keychain Access popup window will open. Double click on the file named Incommon RSA Server CA.

  1. The InCommon RSA Server CA popup window will open. Expand the Trust section and select Always Trust from the dropdown menu next to When using this certificate.

  1. Close the window. Enter your username and password to save your changes if necessary.



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