Access and Edit Your Class Roster | SURF

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  1. Log in to SURF and click the Faculty Center tile to view your classes.

  1. Your classes for the current term are now displayed. If you would like to select a different term, click the Change Term button.

  1. Click on the Class Roster icon to view your roster.

General information for the class is displayed in the top section. Student information, enrollment capacity, and students enrolled are also displayed below.

  1. There are many ways to sort and view the information on your class roster:

The default view is Enrolled students. You can change the view to Dropped or All students by clicking on the Enrollment Status dropdown.

Click the Change Class button at the top of the roster.

Click on a heading (Student ID, Phone Number, Name, etc.) to change the sort display.

  1. There are also several useful functions that you can perform through your class roster:

Click the Printer Friendly Version link at the bottom of the roster.

Click the checkbox(es) of students you wish to email. Select Notify Selected Students to email the one or more students you have selected. Select Notify All Students to email all of the students on your roster.

Enter the message text you wish to send to your students and click Send Notification. This email will send from your email address and all of the students email addresses will display in the BCC section for privacy.

Opening Day Rosters

Faculty are to print rosters via SURF as close to the first day of class as possible.

Prior to Census Rosters

Faculty are REQUIRED to clear their rosters of any no shows or non attendees prior to census. If you have any student drops, use the online instructor drop roster.

Census Rosters

Faculty are REQUIRED to certify their census roster using the online census roster. Non-enrolled students may not attend classes. Students with extenuating circumstances may petition for a late add.

Students with extenuating circumstances must petition to the Committee on Exceptions (Counseling Office) after the W deadline.

Drop Rosters

Faculty may continue to drop students up to the W deadline for that class using the online drop roster.